Tårarna faller

2010-08-29 @ 19:21:11

Why? Why am I the wonrable one. I dont wanna be sad anymore. I meet this person who made my life bright again, This person was so funny and wonderful. That got taken away, a lot has been taken away from me. I feel like the person who takes care of everyone else but never gets anything in return. Maybe i do and just dont see it. How should i know, i am only a child. Sometimes, just once in a while i need someone to lean against and to hear that i am worthy, that i am loved, that everything is going to be okay. I dont wanna live like this anymore, with all this weight on my shoulders just pulling me down with all these tears. Unmeaningful tears.

Postat av: sofia

You are worthy, you are loved and you mean the world to me. don't you dare think something else. okey babe?<3 i love you more than anything, and you really do mean the world to me. don't forget that

2010-08-29 @ 21:06:23
URL: http://sfoton.blogg.se/

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